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Become a Sponsor

Sponsorship Levels

Partnerships are an invaluable part the HelpDesk Chapters Inc. and their Local Chapters. Our goal is to make sure that our partners are seeing the value in their investment, while at the same time ensuring that we have partners that are bringing value to our members.

There are three ways to help sponsor our organization:

  1. Membership Subscription
  2. National Sponsorship
  3. Regional Sponsorship
  4. Leadership Summit Sponsorship
  5. Local Chapter Sponsorship

Membership Subscription

Becoming a member not only supports the HelpDesk Chapters Inc., but a large portion of your membership fee goes directly to the Local Chapter that you connected with. These funds allow us to provide financial support and training to the 450+ volunteers that are putting on amazing events in your area.  Get connected by becoming a member and support your local chapter at the same time.


Regional and National Sponsorship

Our organization has sponsorship opportunities at a the national and regional level. Gain exposure at a larger level and sponsor at this level.  We offer benefits that include marketing your logo on our website, information about your organization in our regular communication to our members, and opportunities to interact with our Local Chapter Officers at their annual Leadership Summit.


Leadership Summit Sponsorship

The Leadership Development Summit is a unique opportunity to interact and connect with HDI's top Local Chapter Officers. This conference hosts hundreds of local chapters from around the US and Canada for three days on the first weekend in June. Some of the benefits included with the sponsorship level include:

  • Sponsor Logo on event website 
  • Sponsor Introduction/Welcome – 5 minutes
  • Opportunity to provide gift bags and/or Prize Giveaway (optional) 
  • High traffic area placement for sponsor table for signage and marketing materials
  • Networking and collaboration with the top HDI local chapter officers in the community for an entire weekend
    • Participate in General Sessions, Breakout Sessions, Keynotes and Activities 
    • Join attendees for breakfasts, lunches, and dinners; including Saturday night Awards Dinner 


Local Chapter Sponsorship

Each Local Chapter has a unique sponsorship program in place.  Reach out to the Local Chapter that you are interested in working with.  Their officers will work with you to explain the sponsorship benefits and get you involved.  Reach out today and get connected to those in the local community.


Latest News

Get the latest news on membership, events, and HDC opportunities.

Our Events

Learn about local chapter events. Don't miss out on the adventure with your peers and other industry professionals.





SF Bay



New York
